
Rationally Correct

Rendering dreams, ideas and opinions, word by word!


June 2015

The perks of making your first transition from college to corporate life

We’ve all talked to our own selves. We often and always have two different voices , more like two people dwelling within us, and having a conversation of their own. One of the voice is from the brain/the mind, being the logical one; rendering only factual, realistic and tough statements, while the second voice, is from the hidden recesses of the heart, being the more tender, optimistic and honeyed one; speaking only what we truly like and want.

Well. I have recently had quite a few encounters of the voices of my mind and heart being in a constant conflict and war of words.
I am talking about the time when (just recently) it was my first day at office as part of my summer internship that I am pursuing.

20150629_180632 Continue reading “The perks of making your first transition from college to corporate life”

How my school field gave me, my first game.

The school field of Delhi Public School, Sector-45, Gurgaon
remains etched in my heart.


‘’Niky..pass the ball here!!! Nikyy….you defend so well!! Niky….you will have to be the goalkeeper today!! Yeeaah! Niky….so proud of you! Today we won because of you!’’

-These load announcements and callings in thunderous melancholy…still resound in my ears…still fresh voices and shouts that are etched in my mind. I can still hear them calling. I can still listen to those powerful voices soaked with astounding levels of energy and immediacy, those voices coming ominously from faces drenched in sweat, that heaviness within the atmosphere, Continue reading “How my school field gave me, my first game.”

The Leaves of Memory (Poem)

The fond memories made, will always be etched in my heart, never to be forgotten. They will keep the soul cherished, with bright and solemn decisions, with blissful and enchanting experiences, with resplendent achievements, keeping my feet on the ground and providing the wings of my dreams, the necessary flight. The world awaits us; it’s time to make it ours.


‘’Softly the leaves of memory fall,

Gently I gather and treasure them all.

Some leaves scatter some fly away,

Some settle down near the exalted bay. Continue reading “The Leaves of Memory (Poem)”

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